
Offers do not continue for every and of the 125 online Bookmaker accounts I have they are now only about 15 that give me offers, the rest I have been GUBBED. This means I do not get free bets, enhanced prices, and have stakes limited to it becomes more difficult but no impossible to make money, you just have to manage the risk.

How to avoid being GUBBED?

This is impossible to know as each bookmaker make their own decision on why and when an account no longer receives offers

Some ways to potential mitigate this are:

  • Don’t take up all offers received
  • Keep you betting pattern regular (for example if you just bet on football, don’t change overnight to horse racing, do it gradually)
  • Make some normal bets (not linked to any offer) regularly, you lay these at the exchange as normal but it will mean a small loss.
  • Keep your betting stakes similar (if you tend to bet £10 stakes don’t suddenly up them to £50 stakes, make change gradual)
  • Don’t be too focused on a small number of bookmakers, spread your match betting as best that you can
  • Don't lay PaddyPower bets at Betfair Exchange

It will happen! eventually you will be gubbed, just move on to the next offer/bookmaker